Wednesday, February 16, 2011

February 17th-Vidcast Reflection

I did my vidcast with Janessa and we decided to do a PSA for D.A.R.E, which stands for drug abuse resistance education. 

The core curriculum is for Health Education, 4th grade standard 2: The students will adopt health-promoting and risk-reducing behaviors to prevent substance abuse.

We chose to do promote drug awareness to young students becuase it is something that is really affecting young people today.  As they get older they will come face to face with these substances and we want them to be aware and know the affects of drugs and have a basic knowledge of what each of them are so that they will be prepared to say "no" when the opportunity presents itself to them.  Janessa and I both enjoyed learning about the harmful affects of drugs through the D.A.R.E. program when we were in elementary school.

Some drawbacks in a classroom to using vidcasts are for the really shy kids that you have in your class, they probably won't want to be put on the spot where they have to be recorded and having other people see them.  Other then that I do not see any other drawbacks.

I will definitely use vidcasts in the future.  I think they are a lot of fun and they are a great way for students to go out on their own and do the research.  It is learning withouth the students really knowing it.  It is also fun to have their peers see them as well as family members if they would like.  You can use vidcasts in a lot of different ways to present information.

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