This all may be a little repetitive from the first two blogs that I posted, but they are what I feel strongly about. First my concerns are that students are being able to access too much of things that we are not wanting them to. I know that in school we can put blocks are certain websites, but that does not include the access that they have on their phones whatever, whenever, wherever they want it. The internet holds so much power and whether or not we are up to date with technology, our students will know even more. They will be able to do things that we don't know of and that scares me that they have that much power and control.
Another concern is with the students writing skills. I think that using technology is a fine way of communicating, I know that I text more then I call, but I don't want my kids or my students to only be used to the texting abbreviations and things like that, because it does show in their normal everyday life and in school. Also, I am concerned with social time. Because kids are always texting and instant messaging they rarely talk about things face to face. People start relationships online, people end relationships online or over texting. Call me old fashioned, but that is tacky, rude and cowardly. I even find myself trying to text through a problem I have with someone, instead of going to them or even calling them on the phone. I know it is just getting worse and worse.
Even though I have my share of concerns, I am also all for integrating technology in the classrooms. We have already made leaps and bounds with technology in the classrooms, we are going to progress even more. Students will have the opportunity to do things on their own and have more hands on activities and learning. There are great programs and games to help practice math and writing. There are smart boards that we can use as teachers to show the internet and to manipulate objects. A new world is being opened to us and we need to embrace it, but the only way to do that is to stay up to date on it and continue to learn.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
04/14/11-Lessons Learned
First, I do have some concerns with technology. The article that had me worry a little bit was the Teen Disconnect article. This article really surprised me, and not only in one way, but in a few different ways. I was surprised to see that students didn't think that they way they write in their personal lives is actual writing. Looking at all of the emoticons and abbreviations I would agree with them, but then why do they do it? I guess that is the question that comes into my mind. What concerned me the most in this article was that students were putting the blame on teachers for their writing in the classroom. They said that their writing would be better if teachers worked on it more. First off, they are choosing to write in that texting lingo in their personal lives so that is affecting their school lives. Second, teachers do teach writing, but our days are so packed with other just as important information that has to be taught as well, that we do not have time to spend on helping those students who are not writing the proper way or using the proper grammar needed.
Another concern that I had was with the WWW article. I agreed with a lot of the things it said, well most of it actually, but it concerns me that kids will have as much access that they do at all times. The internet is a powerful thing, it holds a lot of amazing information and things to help us, but it also contains some scary things as well. Maybe this is more of a concern for my own children, then it is for my students, but I don't want either of them to be accessing things that I don't want them to be accessing, or spending money all of the time that is not theirs.
Other then those two concerns, I agreed with everything else that was said. I really enjoyed reading up on these, I think they are great resources. Something that I thought was extremely interesting was the Did You Know? youtube video. I was shocked to read all of that information. I also agree that technology if integrated correctly and across the entire curriculum will be extremely effective. It opens up a whole new world of resources and information to us. It helps students have discovery learning and be active. They can find things for them selves so these once boring subjects are now hands on and fun. It also gives the students a sense of being independent because they are learning on their own, they are finding out this information for themselves instead of just being told by a teacher. I think we are going to come a long way in education and technology is going to be the reason why. As teachers we just need to be sure that we stay current and up to date on it.
Another concern that I had was with the WWW article. I agreed with a lot of the things it said, well most of it actually, but it concerns me that kids will have as much access that they do at all times. The internet is a powerful thing, it holds a lot of amazing information and things to help us, but it also contains some scary things as well. Maybe this is more of a concern for my own children, then it is for my students, but I don't want either of them to be accessing things that I don't want them to be accessing, or spending money all of the time that is not theirs.
Other then those two concerns, I agreed with everything else that was said. I really enjoyed reading up on these, I think they are great resources. Something that I thought was extremely interesting was the Did You Know? youtube video. I was shocked to read all of that information. I also agree that technology if integrated correctly and across the entire curriculum will be extremely effective. It opens up a whole new world of resources and information to us. It helps students have discovery learning and be active. They can find things for them selves so these once boring subjects are now hands on and fun. It also gives the students a sense of being independent because they are learning on their own, they are finding out this information for themselves instead of just being told by a teacher. I think we are going to come a long way in education and technology is going to be the reason why. As teachers we just need to be sure that we stay current and up to date on it.
04/14/11-Strengths and Weaknesses
Looking at the standards for the NETS I could do all of the things that it said in each category, but I could only do them to a certain extent. I understand technology and the programs, but when I get to a certain point I can only do so much. Looking over the NUI survey I would say that I am under the category of apprentice for the most part, but in a few categories I would be a practitioner, which I was very pleased with myself to feel that would be correct. Technology and I have never really gone hand in hand, so even though I still do not know how to do a lot, I have come a long way. I would say I just need to be constantly keeping up on technology. Reading articles, doing tutorials on different programs, etc.
As a teacher I will use technology in my classroom as often as I can. After being in field at Timpanogos Elementary School, seeing each student have their very own computer at their desk was amazing to see. Whenever the teacher wanted them to do something hands on, she would have them go online and look things up themselves. What better way of learning then going out there on your own and finding it for yourself. After reading the different articles for this assignment it just made me believe even more how the hands on learning that technology gives is very crucial. I remember being in school and just being bored in lectures, but if there is lecturing and looking up information on the internet, whether it is surfing on your own, or going to specific sites that the teacher gives you, it gives you a sense independency because you are finding it yourself. If my classroom does not have a set of computers for each student I will be sure to have computer lab time as well as have students do some homework online. If all of my students have access to a computer I would even like to have them submit assignments online, except for math because I would need to see their work.
Some workshops that I can do to improve on is tutorials on programs that can benefit our students. I think that having a class blog would be great for students to see their progress as well as parents and other individuals. I don't know a whole lot about blogger or word press right now, but I could read up on some tutorials and figure it out. Also be reading in the news what new sites or programs are going to be helpful or big in classrooms and be sure that I take tutorials on those as well. Something else that I can be doing is taking a technology class every few weeks to keep up to date as well.
As a teacher I will use technology in my classroom as often as I can. After being in field at Timpanogos Elementary School, seeing each student have their very own computer at their desk was amazing to see. Whenever the teacher wanted them to do something hands on, she would have them go online and look things up themselves. What better way of learning then going out there on your own and finding it for yourself. After reading the different articles for this assignment it just made me believe even more how the hands on learning that technology gives is very crucial. I remember being in school and just being bored in lectures, but if there is lecturing and looking up information on the internet, whether it is surfing on your own, or going to specific sites that the teacher gives you, it gives you a sense independency because you are finding it yourself. If my classroom does not have a set of computers for each student I will be sure to have computer lab time as well as have students do some homework online. If all of my students have access to a computer I would even like to have them submit assignments online, except for math because I would need to see their work.
Some workshops that I can do to improve on is tutorials on programs that can benefit our students. I think that having a class blog would be great for students to see their progress as well as parents and other individuals. I don't know a whole lot about blogger or word press right now, but I could read up on some tutorials and figure it out. Also be reading in the news what new sites or programs are going to be helpful or big in classrooms and be sure that I take tutorials on those as well. Something else that I can be doing is taking a technology class every few weeks to keep up to date as well.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Field Experience 04/14/11
For my field work I was at Timpanogos Elementary School in the Provo School District. I was placed in a 4th grade classroom with Bridgette as my partner.
The first week of class they had some testing and parent teacher conferences so we just observed and did what the teacher needed us to do. We got a feel for the class and then the next two weeks we taught our 5 social studies lessons.
It amazed me how much I am lacking in the classroom management area. Before our first lesson that we taught the only advice that our teacher gave was that we better have good classroom management techniques or else we would be in trouble. Of course that is the main thing that I struggled with the entire time.
But other then that, our experience went really well and the students were responsive to our lessons.
Since the 4th grade social studies curriculum focuses solely on Utah's history, we decided to do our digital story on the pioneers. We had already had an introductory lesson on pioneers so we played this video at the beginning of our lesson and it was pretty powerful. It showed the realities and the struggles that the pioneers had coming across the trail. The students got very serious after and had learned so much from it and made some great comments about it. They were all very grateful that they weren't the ones having to go through all of that just to get here.
Overall my experience went extremely well. Bridgette was an amazing partner and I didn't just learn from our teacher, I learned a lot from her as well. Our digital story went great and it was fun to see our class progress in the short time that we had with them.
The first week of class they had some testing and parent teacher conferences so we just observed and did what the teacher needed us to do. We got a feel for the class and then the next two weeks we taught our 5 social studies lessons.
It amazed me how much I am lacking in the classroom management area. Before our first lesson that we taught the only advice that our teacher gave was that we better have good classroom management techniques or else we would be in trouble. Of course that is the main thing that I struggled with the entire time.
But other then that, our experience went really well and the students were responsive to our lessons.
Since the 4th grade social studies curriculum focuses solely on Utah's history, we decided to do our digital story on the pioneers. We had already had an introductory lesson on pioneers so we played this video at the beginning of our lesson and it was pretty powerful. It showed the realities and the struggles that the pioneers had coming across the trail. The students got very serious after and had learned so much from it and made some great comments about it. They were all very grateful that they weren't the ones having to go through all of that just to get here.
Overall my experience went extremely well. Bridgette was an amazing partner and I didn't just learn from our teacher, I learned a lot from her as well. Our digital story went great and it was fun to see our class progress in the short time that we had with them.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
March 10th-Creative Commons
We learned about the Creative Commons with licensing and copyright. We went over the different types of licensing and how to permission to use their work.
I will use this in my life right now to get used to finding work that isn't copyrighted to use or the necessary actions that I need to take to get approval to use the work of the copyrighted work. I can use it when I teach lessons and give presentations in my school classes.
I will definitely be using this when I am a teacher and have my own classroom. I do not want to run the risk of being put in jail or having a fine for something as little as getting paperwork filled out. I will be very cautious in what information I show unless I do have permission to use it from the copyright owners.
I will use this in my life right now to get used to finding work that isn't copyrighted to use or the necessary actions that I need to take to get approval to use the work of the copyrighted work. I can use it when I teach lessons and give presentations in my school classes.
I will definitely be using this when I am a teacher and have my own classroom. I do not want to run the risk of being put in jail or having a fine for something as little as getting paperwork filled out. I will be very cautious in what information I show unless I do have permission to use it from the copyright owners.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
March 3rd-Copyright
In class we discussed copyright and plagerism. We talked about what it is, different examples of it, as well as jail sentance and fines.
Learning about this definitlely gave me a scare. I had no idea that showing a disney movie in my classroom could end up having me be sentanced to jail or have a huge fine by not filling out the proper paperwork as well as the approval needed. It has made me re-think things that I have shown in my presentations and lessons so far.
I am going to have to be extremely careful when I am a teacher of what I show my students. I need to be sure that I go through the necessary and appropriate procedures to get my information that I give or show approved. I could not believe the fine and jail sentance that is given for something so small, that I will be sure to get the right approval when the time comes. Learning about copyright gave me the scare I need to be sure that I dont try to sneak a movie or clip without getting the authorization needed.
Learning about this definitlely gave me a scare. I had no idea that showing a disney movie in my classroom could end up having me be sentanced to jail or have a huge fine by not filling out the proper paperwork as well as the approval needed. It has made me re-think things that I have shown in my presentations and lessons so far.
I am going to have to be extremely careful when I am a teacher of what I show my students. I need to be sure that I go through the necessary and appropriate procedures to get my information that I give or show approved. I could not believe the fine and jail sentance that is given for something so small, that I will be sure to get the right approval when the time comes. Learning about copyright gave me the scare I need to be sure that I dont try to sneak a movie or clip without getting the authorization needed.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
February 17th-Vidcast Reflection
I did my vidcast with Janessa and we decided to do a PSA for D.A.R.E, which stands for drug abuse resistance education.
The core curriculum is for Health Education, 4th grade standard 2: The students will adopt health-promoting and risk-reducing behaviors to prevent substance abuse.
We chose to do promote drug awareness to young students becuase it is something that is really affecting young people today. As they get older they will come face to face with these substances and we want them to be aware and know the affects of drugs and have a basic knowledge of what each of them are so that they will be prepared to say "no" when the opportunity presents itself to them. Janessa and I both enjoyed learning about the harmful affects of drugs through the D.A.R.E. program when we were in elementary school.
Some drawbacks in a classroom to using vidcasts are for the really shy kids that you have in your class, they probably won't want to be put on the spot where they have to be recorded and having other people see them. Other then that I do not see any other drawbacks.
I will definitely use vidcasts in the future. I think they are a lot of fun and they are a great way for students to go out on their own and do the research. It is learning withouth the students really knowing it. It is also fun to have their peers see them as well as family members if they would like. You can use vidcasts in a lot of different ways to present information.
The core curriculum is for Health Education, 4th grade standard 2: The students will adopt health-promoting and risk-reducing behaviors to prevent substance abuse.
We chose to do promote drug awareness to young students becuase it is something that is really affecting young people today. As they get older they will come face to face with these substances and we want them to be aware and know the affects of drugs and have a basic knowledge of what each of them are so that they will be prepared to say "no" when the opportunity presents itself to them. Janessa and I both enjoyed learning about the harmful affects of drugs through the D.A.R.E. program when we were in elementary school.
Some drawbacks in a classroom to using vidcasts are for the really shy kids that you have in your class, they probably won't want to be put on the spot where they have to be recorded and having other people see them. Other then that I do not see any other drawbacks.
I will definitely use vidcasts in the future. I think they are a lot of fun and they are a great way for students to go out on their own and do the research. It is learning withouth the students really knowing it. It is also fun to have their peers see them as well as family members if they would like. You can use vidcasts in a lot of different ways to present information.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
February 10th-Vidcasts
In class today we learned about vidcasts. We were taught what tools we can use to make the vidcast as well as how to upload it onto our computeres then on to our class website or onto youtube.
Right now it doesn't affect my life a whole lot, I am not one to really shoot videos and upload them onto youtube or anything like that, but I really enjoy doing things like this. This will not only help with this class, but there could be opportunities to use a vidcast in another class or if I do ever decide to post something on youtube.
When I have my own classroom I think that this will be a lot of fun to do with my students. If there is a certain subject that may not be very fun to ever learn about or teach this would be a great opportunity to have my students go out and learn about the subject on their own then do a vidcast on it. They can show it to their classmates so they can learn from each other and I think that this is a great formative assessment to see if they really know the subject.
Right now it doesn't affect my life a whole lot, I am not one to really shoot videos and upload them onto youtube or anything like that, but I really enjoy doing things like this. This will not only help with this class, but there could be opportunities to use a vidcast in another class or if I do ever decide to post something on youtube.
When I have my own classroom I think that this will be a lot of fun to do with my students. If there is a certain subject that may not be very fun to ever learn about or teach this would be a great opportunity to have my students go out and learn about the subject on their own then do a vidcast on it. They can show it to their classmates so they can learn from each other and I think that this is a great formative assessment to see if they really know the subject.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Podcast/Vidcast-February 3rd
We did podcasts in class today, where we recorded our voice and put it onto our websites. We had to decide a topic to make our class aware of, it had to be age appropriate for our audience.
I had a great time doing this, even though it was information that we are giving it is fun to record your voice saying the facts instead of having to get up there and lecture them. This is a good idea to do for other classes, maybe for presentations that we have.
I think that this would be a fun activity/project to do when I have a class. I would love to have them take a lesson that we have and really learn it themselves and then have to teach it through a podcast to their classmates. I think that teaching something is the best way to really learn it for yourself, you have to do research and study on it if you are going to teach it to someone else so the students would really know the information they were presenting. It would be a presentation without having it seem like it was one because it is something fun to do.
I had a great time doing this, even though it was information that we are giving it is fun to record your voice saying the facts instead of having to get up there and lecture them. This is a good idea to do for other classes, maybe for presentations that we have.
I think that this would be a fun activity/project to do when I have a class. I would love to have them take a lesson that we have and really learn it themselves and then have to teach it through a podcast to their classmates. I think that teaching something is the best way to really learn it for yourself, you have to do research and study on it if you are going to teach it to someone else so the students would really know the information they were presenting. It would be a presentation without having it seem like it was one because it is something fun to do.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Google Part 2 Reflection-January 27th
This past week in class we learned more about google, it was our second half of the google lessons. We went over and discussed how to make and use a classroom website. We were shown how to create it, what to put on one as well as how to organize it.
As of today, it is getting me prepared to use it in my future classroom. I can use it now for classes in my life to keep me organized. I will use the one we made in class to keep as an example and to give me practice for when i become a teacher and will want to have one for my own class to have and to use.
When i start teaching this is something that I will incorporate into my class. This is the era of technology and children already know how to use the internet. I believe that this class website will not only be helpful to students so they can see what they missed or what is coming up, but it will be helpful to me as a teacher to refer them to the website to get caught up on things, as well as help the parents of the child see what they did in class today, what homework is due, what is coming up, etc. I am really excited to use this website and have class and parent involvement.
As of today, it is getting me prepared to use it in my future classroom. I can use it now for classes in my life to keep me organized. I will use the one we made in class to keep as an example and to give me practice for when i become a teacher and will want to have one for my own class to have and to use.
When i start teaching this is something that I will incorporate into my class. This is the era of technology and children already know how to use the internet. I believe that this class website will not only be helpful to students so they can see what they missed or what is coming up, but it will be helpful to me as a teacher to refer them to the website to get caught up on things, as well as help the parents of the child see what they did in class today, what homework is due, what is coming up, etc. I am really excited to use this website and have class and parent involvement.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Google Part 1-January 20th
We learned about some different things of Google and Gmail. We looked into google docs, the calender, forms and presentation.
These different parts of Google are something that I am going to use right now while I am in school. I can use docs for different assignments that I have and instead of having to be on my computer to work on an assignment it is saved to my gmail account. The calender will help me stay organized, not only in my classes, but for other things that I have going on in my life right now.
All of these things that we learned about are perfect tools for when I become a teacher. I will use the calender to be organized in my classroom and with day to day things. I will use the forms for different assignments or for parent involvement. I will use the presentation for different lessons that I use, and I will use google docs for assignments for my class. These different tools are extremely helpful, easy and they are fun to use.
These different parts of Google are something that I am going to use right now while I am in school. I can use docs for different assignments that I have and instead of having to be on my computer to work on an assignment it is saved to my gmail account. The calender will help me stay organized, not only in my classes, but for other things that I have going on in my life right now.
All of these things that we learned about are perfect tools for when I become a teacher. I will use the calender to be organized in my classroom and with day to day things. I will use the forms for different assignments or for parent involvement. I will use the presentation for different lessons that I use, and I will use google docs for assignments for my class. These different tools are extremely helpful, easy and they are fun to use.
Monday, January 10, 2011
January 13th-Introduction
Thursday, January 6, 2011
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